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It's often soft signs. Kissing will not happen if you two are not already in a relationship with eachother. Usually, it's little things such as playing with her hair (which happens more often than most girls will admit. It's like a natural or nervous tick we have), softly figiting or tangling her fingers, making a point of poking or touching your arm or shoulder when getting your attention or talking to you, mild giggling, frequent glances towards you, blushing if you give her compliments or talk to her. Little things. The list goes on. General flirting. Don't worry. It takes a while to really recognize flirting for what it really is. ;)

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14y ago
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14y ago

It could be a coincidence, as that may be the only seat available, or it could mean that she's interested in you.

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12y ago

It means that she likes u or she has nowhere else 2 sit.

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Q: If a girl sits next to you what does it mean?
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depends - is she staring just because you are? If not, go for it!

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He doesn't care or he is trying to be cool and ignoring it.

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It means she likes you! Talk to her!!!

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She wants to get to know you. Say hello and be friendly.

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If it was a girl then he probably likes her

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Well, probably yes. And stay away from her, polygamy only breaks hearts

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The only thing to do when the girl you hate sits next to you in a class that you will never change your seat in is to have self control and do what you go to the class to do, and that is to learn. Sometimes you have to take a grownup approach and just do what is right.