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If it was a girl then he probably likes her

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Q: What does it mean when a man sits on your lap?
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If a girl sits on a guys lap and plays with his hair-does this mean their attracted to one another?

It doesn't necessarily mean he is attracted or interested in her but she is seemingly interested in him.

What is a lap dog?

any kind of a small dog like a beagle a dog that sits on your lap a funny dog

What does it mean when a girl sits on your lap during class activities?

They have a crush on you and you say "I know you like me so how 'bout a date, Saturday night

Which puppet has a mechanical wooden head and sits on a ventriloquists lap?

A possessed one.

Where in To Kill a Mockingbird does Scout sit in Atticus's lap?

Scout sits in Atticus's lap near the end of Chapter 31 in "To Kill a Mockingbird," after the attack by Bob Ewell is thwarted by Boo Radley. This moment symbolizes Scout's newfound understanding and empathy towards Boo as she sees him in a different light.

What if a friend sits on your lap?

It's a sign they may want to get closer. Watch for other signals.

How do you keep from letting a girl know you have a erection when she sits on your lap?

try and hold it down with your thighs

How you say 'lap' in German?

If you mean lap in a sporting sense, the German word is Runde. If you mean the lap of a person, then the German word is Schoß

What happens when you hold a guinea pig like a baby?

It just sits on your lap for a while ther week nice.

What is the guy who sits in the throne in gladiator fights?

the man who sits in the throne is the emperor

How do you make a kitten go to sleep in your lap?

If you love the kitten enough then it might sit on your lap. It's all a matter of likes and dislikes. Just love you kitten it will get use to you sometime. I have a cat who doesn't want to sit on my lap he sits on one person lap. It's all a matter of likes and dislikes.

Why does a man want to sit on Santa's lap?

A man wants to sit on Santa's lap to either make their kids believe or because their kid is scared!