No... That is pretty unusual... xO
I don't know if it is normal but I have the same problem with this and monistat and probably clotrimazole...
well, if you are bleeding down there, you have probely started your first pireod, and 3 days id pretty normal.
I am not very sure on what your asking, but if you mean after your cycle, then yes. That called an irregular bleeding, and it is normal. BUT if it continues for a week, or a couple then you might want to see a doctor.
Nio, implantation bleeding is just a couple of spots.
Yes completely normal, no need to worry, periods can even last from 1 day up to about 12 days :) As long as you have a regular cycle of bleeding, then your fertility is fine.
5 days. Yes the bleeding lasts for 5 days and it occurs every 28 days. the 5 days is referred to as the bleeding phase and the 28 days is the average menstrual cycle.. ---------------------------------------------------------Recommend if u like this....
Just a small amount of bleeding for two to three days.
Not necessarily no but implantation bleeding can appear as the bleeding you've described. Implantation bleeding will occur 6-12 days after intercourse. If you suspect pregnancy, see your doctor for a pregnancy blood test.
I'm not certain if this is considered normal, but I had implantation bleeding that lasted exactly 6 days when I was pregnant with my son.
That's very normal you should be fine..if your worried I would see a doctor..