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Hey DUMB A**!! Go to the f***ing doctor..dont ask some idiot on the internet that will have you killing yourself telling you all the wrong things! come on

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Q: I have sharp pains in my lower left abdomen and have put on a lot of weight i am more gassy than usual and have had a blood test i was told everything is clear and im not pregnant whats wrong with me?
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Can you feel a heartbeat in you adominal bottom if you're pregnant?

Sometimes you are aware of your own pulse deep in your abdomen when you are pregnant as the blood flow to the uterus increases.

What is the largest blood vessel in the abdomen?

The largest blood vessel in the abdomen is the descending aorta.

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Its very possible you could be pregnant. Unfortunately I cannot tell you if you're pregnant. Only a blood test can do that.

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Symptoms of small intestine cancer include abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, a lump in the abdomen and blood in the stool. Other symptoms include pain within the middle of the abdomen as well as unexplained cramps.

Artery that supplies blood to the abdomen?

The Aorta is the largest artery in the abdomen. It comes from the chest.

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Im 3 months late and took 1 preg test and and a blood test and both was negative are you pregnant?

doubt it !!! if your doctor did a blood and and ultrasound and everything thing came back normal, then i doubt you are prego. have you changed or on birth control?

Can you get pregnant if your blood is a positive and his is?

Blood type is irrelevant to whether or not you can get pregnant.

If you have vomit feeling in your throat and a sharp pain in your abdomen and sleepiness and bigger-sorebreast and your body feels different all of a sudden does it mean your pregnant?

These are all symptoms of pregnancy yes take a test when you miss your period or make an appoinment with your doctor for a blood test which is much more accurate hope everything works out for you Good Luck and God Bless!!!

What do doctors check in girl physicals?

They check your weight height and blood pressure they ask if you have startedyour period and if you're able to get pregnant i