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Q: I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year. dr says nothing is wrong with me or him. Any suggestions?
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If there's nothing wrong with me or my partner why can't you get pregnant you have been trying for two years?

If you're not using any birth control, then there IS something wrong with you or your partner. Unless you're doing it wrong.

Can you laugh hard while you are pregnant?

Yes. There is nothing wrong with laughing while you are pregnant!

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There is nothing wrong with just some silence. Silence is helpful when you are trying to think about something without being disturbed, or trying to sleep.

What should you do if you are scared to take the pregnant test?

you should toughen up because there is nothing wrong with wanting to know if you are pregnant because how else do you think you will find out if you are pregnant! you want it's okay go ahead! you should toughen up because there is nothing wrong with wanting to know if you are pregnant because how else do you think you will find out if you are pregnant! you won't it's okay go ahead!

What is wrong with you if you have not had a menstrual in 2 months and you are not pregnant but in the past you have had 2 miscarriages?

Nothing may be wrong with you. But you cannot be certain until you see a doctor.

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Ask him or her out, there's nothing wrong with trying.

Im six months pregnant and feel extremely depressed could something be seriously wrong with me?

No there is nothing wrong with you, you are just having mood swings.

What is wrong when the cervix is tilted?

It doesn't mean anything is wrong. I have a tilted cervix. Sometimes it makes becoming pregnant more difficult, but I had no problem getting pregnant. My doctor said it's normal and nothing to worry about.

Whats wrong with a 1995 Mitsubishi montero with 138289 miles?

Your question is unanswerable as it is. What are you trying to ask? There are many things that can be wrong if it does not start, or there could be nothing wrong with it in the first place.

What is wrong with your budgies if they don't lay eggs?

nothing. the female might not be pregnant yet. you'll have to wait and see

Can you have a light late period even if your pregnant?

Yes, but I'd see your doctor to make sure there is nothing wrong.

Are rabbits good for pregnant women?

There's nothing wrong with eating meat as long as it's properly cooked.