See a doctor to make sure nothing serious is wrong, and to find out what medicine would be best to treat him.
Yes and no. If you are underweight and not healthy, then that's a problem. If you are healthy and have no issues according to your doctor, being underweight shouldn't be a problem. I am underweight by twenty pounds, and I have no issues besides ability to fight colds, but hey, don't we all?
Smoke some weed.
It could be an oral medicine that doesn't agree with you. If you're vomiting green, you're vomiting bile -- which means your body is trying to completely empty your stomach.
Premature birth is a major cause of serious health problems in neonates.
ADHD is a genetic problem. Premature birth is usually an environmetal one, although can be affected by some genetic factors e.g. a small mother, susceptibility to other causes of premature birth. There is no connection between being born early and ADHD.
Generally underweight people are in good health , they are underweight due to high metabolisms and often have high heart rates. Underweight people can generally do very little arobic exercise. As regard normal body growth it is stunned, they generally keep boyish or girly look in shape. they also have a tendency to eat whatever they want, especilly fatty foods, which can build up fats sometimes inside the body , which can be harmful to internal organs. Thyroid problem may also be a problem, whereby the thyroids have a tendency to over secrete ,causing nervousness or body shock or later need surgery to remove part of thyoid to slow its function and over secretion of thyroid hormone if it doesn't correct itself (which does sometimes, but rare). Also in women and men conception is often a problem , as well as painful menstrual cycles for females.
Not in my experience. My father had his removed and my wife has issues with hers. In their cases it just caused ridiculous amounts of pain in the chest which felt like someone had run them through with a rusty pitch fork. Neither of them experienced any vomiting or stomach issues. It didn't mess with their plumbing at all. A gall bladder problem can definitely cause nausea and vomiting, especially if the gall bladder problem causes inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). If you have nausea and projectile vomiting (unable to keep down even a teaspoon of water), you should seek immediate medical attention.
Sounds like a worm infestation. I would get him to a vet since it seems to be pretty aggressive.
Was the dog outside because if dogs eat grass it can cause them to have upset stomachs which may result in vomiting.
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You are a little underweight. That is nothing to be worried about. If you have a small frame it is perfectly fine, but if you are "big boned" that is a small problem.
Left untreated, child obesity leads to adult obesity. Obesity in adults is responsible for premature death or disability in many people world wide (Fact - More people die world wide from being over weight than underweight - World Health organization stats). Child obesity is completely preventable, and if nothing is done to correct diets as a child, our children are being set up for health problems in their adult lives.