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well then dont take them your obviously not P.G hope the feeling of sex was nice i loved it so much that i became a prozzy i get paid bloody well

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Q: I got my period while on the pill and there is still a few pills left to take?
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Is it normal to have PMS symptoms while on birth control even if you still have a few active pills left?

Yes this is normal and is simply a side-effect of the pill.

I have 2 active pills for my birth control left for this month and I don't want my period for this weekend is there a way where I won't get my period for this weekend?


How do you make bill say pills here?

on the 360 you push the left analog stick while you are looking at the pills. you have to be pretty close.

I have one more pill left on my birth control cycle and i received your period what do i do?

Keep taking your pills as directed.

Should you continue taking birth control as normal if you get your period while still taking the active pills and finish your period before you take the sugar pills?

Yes. Even though you start your period you should continue taking the pill until you don't have any left. Then take the next pill pack. Your period can start in the middle of the pack, and it is normal.

Im on triphasil if i have 5 pills left and i stop takin them now will i get my period after three days and then start the new pack on a Sunday?

Stopping Triphasil with 5 pills left may disrupt your cycle and cause irregular bleeding. It's best to finish the pack to maintain regularity. If you choose to stop with 5 pills left, you may experience withdrawal bleeding 2-3 days after stopping. You can start the new pack on a Sunday after your period starts.

Can you start your period even if your on the last week of birth control pills and have only 2 pills left before you start your next pack?

Yep, that's all fine and normal. Just keep taking your pills as scheduled, regardless of any bleeding. That might mean you're starting your next pack while you're bleeding, but that's fine.

My wife missed 1 pill and then took 2 the next day- her period has started so should she continue taking active pills-three left- or should she stop and start a new pack after her period?

Your wife should continue to take her active pills.

Is drake still in the cast of degrassi?

No, he left a while ago.

How long to pass hydrocone urine test for pain management?

If you are being drug tested to monitor your use of pain relievers, it is more important that you still have pills left in your prescription bottle at the time of the test. Drug levels are relatively unimportant if you still have your pills, and the drugs detected were prescribed to you.

If you stopped your pill early and got your period and still had a week left would your next period go by your actual period or by the time you were supose to get your period?

i have already started so in your face lol

I have 10 active pills left in my bc pack but am having normal period bleeding is this something i should be concerned about?

I would talk to your doctor. Better safe than sorry