

Best Answer

your eggo could be preggo, so take it easy and reflect on the last couple of times you......well you know, maybe you forgot protection or something. If that's not the case, this could be it: Birth Control is only 89% likely to work and completely protect you, this ratio actually drops or rises due to combos of different contraceptives You totally stressed. Allergic reaction. Sleep deprivation. possible disease. Pick one sweetheart, good luck.

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Q: I feel tired weak im also spotting but HPT is negative could I b pregnant?
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3 weeks after sex and spotting very little and feeling sick and very tired can that mean your pregnant?

Possibly. Everyone's different. It could be a coincidence. You should take a home pregnancy test.

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Ive been having pregnancy symptoms sore breasts really tired etc i usually don't get my period till the 11th but i was cramping on the 5th with spotting and was bleeding on the 8th could i be pregnant?

YES please go to your doc ASAP! you could prevent a miscarriage!

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yes you will get tired

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You could be, I didnt get sick or anything, but was very tired and mine were sore and hurt...

Ten weeks late three neg tests bloating sore breasts tired am I pregnant?

You could be pregnant. You should go to the Doctor and receive a pregnant test.

I have been trying to have a baby your last day for your period was 1 week ago this week you have had spotting and been tired and had all signs of a period could I be pregnant?

you have to wait until you missed your period.. but its a good chance to get pregnant cuz it takes 14 days after your period to get pregnant ,if you have a 28 days cycles--good luck Not all cycle our 28 days most women do not ovulate on day 14 you may have implantion spotting if not and your still trying to get Pregnant Buy TCOYF that book is amazing me and my husband tried for a baby for 3 years it took 2 months after reading that book Im now 8 weeks pregnant!

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If you did a pregnancy test and it was negative but you still feel tired, dizzy, and are five days over when your period should have started, you should take another home pregnancy test. You could be late because you stopped taking your birth control pills half way through.

If you have nausea and are constantly tired but do not have sore breasts could you still be pregnant?

yes,you still COULD be pregnant. Not every woman has the same symptoms but nausea and tiredness are most definitely symptoms.

Could you be pregnant if you have your period but are leaking colostrum and you've been really tired for 3 months?

I have read medical books saying that you can get pregnant while having a period. So, I think you should test to ease your mind. I too have wondered the same thing, as I am leaking colostrum and tested negative.

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You could be pregnant if you're female

What do urinating more thristy tired nausea mean?

it depends. if you're female it could mean you're pregnant.