Yes. Many women feel tired a lot of the time when they are pregnant, especially in the beginning, and it is perfectly normal.
You'd be tired too if you were carrying a baby!
they will nip a lot and will be tired but they wont look pregnant though
It means light in
Yes. A tired man can still produce semen. It might take more effort but as long as he can put semen into a woman's vagina, she can become pregnant.
False positive
No, he/she or both goes to sleep whenever he/she is tired.
You could be pregnant. You should go to the Doctor and receive a pregnant test.
um.... you're a human, you cant get a horse pregnant and its against the law in most countries. dont be gross.
You could be, I didnt get sick or anything, but was very tired and mine were sore and hurt...
absolutely, when you get too tired or not eat properly