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Q: How often do you need to sleep and rest?
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Why are you always feeling tired?

When you don't get enough sleep or you are often stressed out, you need time to rest and have time to relax and if you go to sleep you'll feel better.

Why is rest and sleep important?

Because pulling all-nighters and running around all day don't give our bodies a rest. We're like i-Pods. i-Pods need to recharge quite often, or else they work slow or don't work at all. ;) We need rest and sleep to relax the brain

Is sleep a rest to body or soul?

body. you sleep because you need to rest your muscles or because you have so little energy that your brain forces you into sleep to conserve what is left.

When do monsters sleep?

Monsters sleep when they are tired from hunting humans and need rest for the next day of hunting them.

Why do ladybugs sleep?

they need to rest because they are on the move all day!

What does it mean when someone says they need there beauty sleep?

They need a good night's rest. They need to have no distractions.

Why do your arms go to sleep at night?

your arms go sleep because they need rest from writing at school and moving about

Do owls sleep with their eyes closed?

No ,they sleep with their eyes open

How do great white shark sleep?

They don't sleep. Great White Sharks need to move to breathe. although they do rest.

Why do you sleep so much?

Because endorphins in the brain have a inner clock that tells you when you're tired and need to rest. If rest is not achieved, then fatigue and other sleep deprivation symptoms can occur.

Why you sleep so much?

Because endorphins in the brain have a inner clock that tells you when you're tired and need to rest. If rest is not achieved, then fatigue and other sleep deprivation symptoms can occur.

Why do kids need more sleep than adults?

Children need more sleep because their bodies are developing very quickly. Therefor, they need to have the chance to give their bodies a rest as often as possible. This of it like this, Two people are going down a road, one walking, the other running as fast as they can. The person who is going faster would need more rest afterwards, right? Well, that's the child. :) Hope this helped!