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Q: What is it called when you need to sleep?
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Where does a knight sleep?

a special room called a garrison near the enterance so they can get out quck if they need :)

Why do we need to sleep?

we to sleep to get energy 

What is the scientific study of sleep called?

The study of sleep is called polysomnography.

Why do some people need more sleep than others?

Sometimes your brain doesn't register that you need to sleep. You might stay up, or you might not. Also depending on how much sleep you had the night before, you body might not need sleep just yet. It's really bad to sleep on and off especially if you take naps right before your normal bedtime. --- Its called insomnia. I have it and it sucks. But if you consult a doctor about your not getting sleep they will give you a medication called melatonin. It makes you fall asleep.. (: -- ash was here-- <3

Why do moose sleep?

Moose sleep to rest and recharge their bodies, just like humans do. It helps them conserve energy, repair their muscles, and process information. Additionally, sleeping at night helps moose avoid predators when they are most vulnerable.

What is a place where bats sleep called?

The location that bats sleep is called a 'roost.'

How many hours of sleep does a dog need?

it need 7hours sleep for health

The older you are the more sleep you need or is it the younger you are the more sleep you need?


Do we need sleep and why?

PHHHT serously!! we need a sleep cuz we bein tired!

Why do mammals and birds sleep?

they sleep like we sleep and they sleep why we sleep because we need energy and strength

How much sleep does a tween need to have?

My doctor has told me that tweens need 9 hours of sleep a night! A Sleep Doctor should tell you to sleep 10 hours of sleep not 9 hours. Now Adult can sleep up to 6 hours, there bodys don't need that much sleep:)

What is the clinical study of sleep called?

The clinical study of sleep is called sleep medicine. It focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders and the impact of sleep on overall health and well-being.