Well... You jst be yourself try not to hide stuff or even have an open relationship <SHLASH BAYBII>
no she never have a bad boyfriend swift is a very smart girl..
yes, I have locked out my bad boyfriend if you want! =)
No. It is not bad to be 18 years old and haven't got your first boyfriend.
Alabama Jackson's Bad Boyfriend - 2011 was released on: USA: September 2011
a bad boyfriend shows no respect for you and a bad boyfriend also dates you just because he wants a girlfriend...a good boyfriend always shows you respect...he tells you how beautiful you are and he isn't ashaimed of you... in other words if your boyfriend doesnt respect you... to hell with him and get rid of him...you can do alot better!!...♥ (Not to be rude, but that's not how you spell a lot)
I've no idea but i want to b his boyfriend so BAD!
No, because he is your boyfriend. Now if it was someone like your boyfriend's best friend that would't be alright...
bad personality perhaps?
You DUMP him!! just dump your boyfriend and make him feel bad. ;)
The answer depends on how truly contrite and trustworthy the boyfriend on never cheating.