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Q: How much water is in your urine?
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How much water does it take to pee water?

Human beings 'pee' urine, not water. Urine can sometimes appear clear if one is very well hydrated, but it is still urine.

Why your sons urine yellow?

your son's urine is yellow because he doesn't drink much water.

Is urine a element?

No, even water isn't an element, so urine doesn't have much chance.

What is the increases creatinine in the urine?

Usually that just means that the urine was very concentrated - i.e. you did not drink much water.

How much water should you drank to pass a urine test?


What is the increased concentration of creatinine in urine?

Usually that just means that the urine was very concentrated - i.e. you did not drink much water.

How much time will it take for urine to form after drinking water?

After drinking water, it typically takes about 30 minutes to 2 hours for urine to form and be excreted by the body.

Why is your urine a lighter color after drinking a lot of fluids?

This is relative to the amount of bodily fluids in your urine versus the amount of water. The more fluid you drink, the more water will be in your urine. This will increase the proportion of water to bodily fluids which will make the color much lighter.

How much water should drink to produce 2 liters of urine?

3 to 4 liters of water

How much water can an adult through urine in a day?

.....Lets just not answer that quitstion......

Should you redrink detox drink and water took a drug test today urine was too clean have to retake 1 week?

You may have misunderstood what they said, you can never have urine that is too clean, but you can have urine that is over-hydrated, which means there was too much water in your urine at the time of the test.

How much water do you need to drink socanabis is not detected in a urine sample?

You can not drink enough.