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Q: How much water can an adult through urine in a day?
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How much water can an adult lose through urine in one day?

An adult can typically lose around 1 to 2 liters of water through urine in one day, depending on factors like hydration level, activity level, and environmental conditions.

How much water is lost per day through the excretory system?

half a litre

How much ml of urine does an adult excrete daily?

That depends how much they drink and eat.

Why is urine more concentrated in hot weather?

Short answer is because your body is using the water in your system to cool itself through perspiration. Therefore, there is not as much water waste going through your system to dilute the urine. If you are properly hydrated, your urine should just have a slight yellow tinge, but be nearly colourless. The more dehydrated you are, the darker your urine.

How much does your poop weigh?

Most adult feces weigh between 1/2 to 3/4 of a pound. Not that much really when many people eat 7 to 8 pounds of food a day. Most of the weight of the food we eat is water and is lost through urine, sweat, and respiration.

How much water does it take to pee water?

Human beings 'pee' urine, not water. Urine can sometimes appear clear if one is very well hydrated, but it is still urine.

How much pee can an adult diaper hold?

Aprox 600 cc of urine to a max of 700cc

How much food can a butterfly consume in a given time?

Adult butterflies have no mouths. They drink nectar and water through their proboscis.

Is urine a element?

No, even water isn't an element, so urine doesn't have much chance.

Why your sons urine yellow?

your son's urine is yellow because he doesn't drink much water.

What is the increases creatinine in the urine?

Usually that just means that the urine was very concentrated - i.e. you did not drink much water.

Haw much water is in a child?

the same as an adult