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In the night,alo when you becom tired u can sleep to relax your mind.

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Q: How much sleep is necessary to have?
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Is it better to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep if you are a teenager?

When your a teenager you need as much sleep as you can get, because you will be more alert during the day and you will be able to think clearer. You need to get as much sleep as you can :) Kautilya-I agree.But actually it depends,if u are exhausted,let your body rest as much as it wants.But usually for every teenager,8 hours of sleep is very necessary.

Why should a pregnant woman sleep?

because sleep is necessary for health, without the sleep her baby may not be as healthy

How much sleep should a 70 year old get?

Eight hours is ideal. But at least six hours is necessary.

Why should ten year olds go to bed at 9 PM?

It is necessary for young children to get enough sleep. Sleep is necessary to get the body strong, especially during periods of physical growth.

What time did soldiers get up in ww1?

Soildiers did not have alot of sleep and only had 10 mintures

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how much does a tiger sleep

When was Too Much Sleep created?

Too Much Sleep was created in 1989.

How many hours of sleep is necessary for a teen of 15years?

8-9 hours

Is a crib mobile necessary for my baby's sleep environment, and if so, what are the benefits of having one"?

A crib mobile is not necessary for your baby's sleep environment, but it can provide benefits such as visual stimulation, soothing music, and promoting cognitive development.

Why does a newborn baby sleep so much?

Because they haven't had as much sleep as you have and they need to catch up on their sleep and that is why the older they get the less they sleep beause they are getting caught up.

When was You Won't Get Much Sleep created?

You Won't Get Much Sleep was created on 2007-07-09.

How much is a sleep number bed?

A sleep number bed costs about as much as a regular bed