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how do you give propranalol intravenously

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Q: How much is a lethal dose of propranolol hydrochloride?
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about a cup of coffee (75%)

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The lethal dose for a human being varies upon the persons size, weight and tolerance. These are key factors in determining what would be a lethal dose as the larger a person is the more tolerant to the alcohol they will be. Anywhere from a litre upwards of vodka will be a lethal dose dependent on their size

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Determining the lethal dose of any medication is pretty much impossible because of the differences between individuals and other chemicals such as alcohol that may be in the individual's system. The lethal dose is often quoted as the "minimum lethal dose" (MLD) or the least amount that will kill the most susceptible people. But, this value is determined with animal testing and extrapolated to humans. The MLD of Elavil is listed as 3 grams (120 25mg tablets). A typical lethal dose is much higher.

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I read somewhere that 70 cups was a lethal dose

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The lethal dose of vitamin D for a cat is estimated to be around 0.1 mg per kilogram of body weight.

What does 'LD50' stand for?

LD50 stands for Lethal Dose 50, a measurement of how much exposure it takes to a certain chemical to kill 50% of a target population. This is usually a calculated value based on lab exposure of the chemical to a population of animals.

What is the unit of measurement used to determine how much of a substance you need to consume for it to be lethal?

LD50 is Representative as lethal dose 50% when your talking about how much it will take the measurement in in g, some times in mL but mostly g (grams).

How much propranolol for suicide?

Many grams

What is the lethal dose of Ambien and naproxen and toradol?

Again, it will depend on your personal tolerance. I'm on all three right now (2x, 2a, and about 12 beers @ 180lbs with years of experience). I've done more but it would be foolish to recommend a "lethal dose", which can be much less for a beginner and much more for an experienced friend.

Euthanasia saves families how much in medical costs?

A lethal dose is around $35, which saves a lot of money for insurance companies.

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About 100,000 millirems in a short amount of time is enough to kill you, but the variable in that is the "short amount of time" part

How much lithium can be lethal combined with Klonopin?

Lithium dose depends on your body. The toxic dose can be close to the effective dose, so the doctor is always careful to check your liver functions. The first sign of toxicity is severe diarrhea and nausea, so it's harder to keep a lethal dose down. The best thing do to if you think someone has taken too much lithium is to take them to the hospital. 234 mg per pound of body weight ex: 100 lbs = 23400 mg can be toxic