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About 100,000 millirems in a short amount of time is enough to kill you, but the variable in that is the "short amount of time" part

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Q: How much millirems dose it take to be lethal?
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What is lethal dose?

enough of a drug, if you take a lethal dose, it will kill you.

What is the unit of measurement used to determine how much of a substance you need to consume for it to be lethal?

LD50 is Representative as lethal dose 50% when your talking about how much it will take the measurement in in g, some times in mL but mostly g (grams).

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You should never take more than the recommended dose on the medication's label or as prescribed by a doctor.

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"lethal" means deadly. If you take a sufficient amount (i.e. a lethal dose) of a lethal poison you will die unless proper treatment is given quickly enough to save you.

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If you think you or someone you know has taken too much atenelol, call your poison control center immediately or take them to the emergency room.

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The average lethal dose is a pack a day for 30 years.

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The estimated adult oral lethal dose of nitroglycerin is 200 mg to 1,200 mg. That is quite a lot as the normal dose per use is not more than 0.8 mg.

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Lithium dose depends on your body. The toxic dose can be close to the effective dose, so the doctor is always careful to check your liver functions. The first sign of toxicity is severe diarrhea and nausea, so it's harder to keep a lethal dose down. The best thing do to if you think someone has taken too much lithium is to take them to the hospital. 234 mg per pound of body weight ex: 100 lbs = 23400 mg can be toxic

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Melatonin is a natural medication that aids a person in falling asleep. People typically take between 1 and 5 mg pills. Since melatonin is made naturally in the brain, there is no lethal amount that a person can take.

Can you have a fatal overdose on high blood pressure medication?

Yes you can. The LD or Lethal Dosage depends on which med it is, what your heart condition is, and what other conditions apply. While it's rare that a double-dose will prove lethal (as people accidentally take two does of their heart meds all the time), it's a very strong med, and can indeed be lethal. dose it do 75 mg of atenolol

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Responding to this question may give the suicidal patient the info he needs to take a lethal dose.

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dont muck with it. take only what is pre scribed If you need to ask this you might want to see your physician about that.