It is not specifically said in any guide how much HP he has..but he is level 12 and has no more than 100 HP.
When you finish the game and you graduate from the guild and a bit later Azurill will have a nightmare and you have too get Drowzee, a Pokemon will tell you where he is and he will send you to the nightmare.
It is by the east coast, but you can only go there when you have to go get Drowzee to go inside Azurill's nightmare.
After you beat Drowzee the first time in PMD2, you have to do at least three bulletin board missions. Hope I helped.
Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time.
In solar cave you get there after you beat rayquaza
Pokemon cannot be traded in the Mystery Dungeon series.
Yes, but only in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
on the 20th floor, which is the peak of the mountian.
you have to do some more rescue missions
Drowzee is at the top of the Mt Travail dungeon.
You can't breed Pokemon in the mystery dungeon games.