Very little - Methanol is extremely toxic. As little as 2 Tbs. can kill a child, while as little as 2oz can be deadly for an adult. (Depending on their size, weight, general health.)
The outcome will depend how much was swallowed and how much time passed before treatment was started. Death may occur within the first 24 hours. But it will feel much longer to the victim.
Antifreeze causes multi organ failure and severe pain. Any brain damage may be permanent. Vision loss or blindness may also be permanent.
If the victim survives, there may be little or no urine output for several weeks before the kidneys recover. So kidney dialysis will be needed to clear the toxins from the body.
The poison causes - nausea, vomiting, cyanosis (blue lips and fingernails), dizziness , fatigue, headache, slurred speech, unsteady walk, weakness, leg cramps, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, blurred vision, rapid breathing, blood in urine (leading to no urinary output), unconsciousness.
As more time passes - blindness, convulsions, coma, death.
It would taste bad and to much grease will make you sick
I think it would definitely make you sick.
Salt Water,
It can make you sick.
no it can make u sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It sure can if you drink it!
it doesnt make you sick so always drink wine becuase its really good for you
No it could make you sick.
No, it could make you sick.
There apparently are no such herbs.
YOU CAN DRINK FLOUR AND WATER TO MAKE YOU SICK Syrup of Ipecac . You can buy it at most drug stores, and that is it's main use.
The salt from the sea water will cause you to become very dehydrated and could make you sick.