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Q: How much air does the average person need in a day?
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How much air does a healthy person breathe in and out of their lungs?

the average adult is 2-3litres

How much air does someone need daily?

however much a fat person breathes out

How much oxygen does the average person need a year?

The average person needs around 740 kilograms of oxygen per year for breathing and cellular respiration. This is based on an average adult breathing about 550 liters of oxygen per day.

How much air does the average person breathe a day?

288 cubic feet of "air" or 19 cubic feet of pure oxygen .

How much oxygen is normally inspired?

On average, a person inhales approximately 21% of oxygen from the air during normal breathing.

How much energy you need to jump?

The amount of energy required to jump depends on various factors such as the person's weight, height, and the height of the jump. On average, a person may use about 0.2-0.3 calories per jump.

What is the maximum amount of air you can inhale?

as much as you take in It is not the amount you breathe in. It is called vital capacity. Even after a person breathes out as much as he or she can, there is air remaining in the lungs. This is called residual volume.

How much of the earth's air will a person breathe in a lifetime?

On average, a person breathes in about 11,000 liters (about 2,900 gallons) of air per day. Over a lifetime of around 80 years, this adds up to roughly 320 million liters (85 million gallons) of air breathed in.

How much does your average car tire weigh?

depends on how much air in tires

How much natural radiation is the average person exposed to in a year?

The average person is exposed to about 3.1 millisieverts of natural radiation per year. This includes exposure from sources like cosmic rays, radon gas, and natural elements in the soil and air.

How much air is in a average basketball?

7-9 pounds

Average GPA Air Force Academy?

you need at least a 3.0 to get into the academy. on average i'd say about 3.5.