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288 cubic feet of "air" or 19 cubic feet of pure oxygen .

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Q: How much air does the average person breathe a day?
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How much air does a healthy person breathe in and out of their lungs?

the average adult is 2-3litres

How much nitrogen does humans breathe out?

On average, humans breathe out about 3.5% of nitrogen in exhaled air, which is roughly 78% of the air we breathe in. This nitrogen is not utilized by the body and is simply exhaled back into the atmosphere.

How much of the earth's air will a person breathe in a lifetime?

On average, a person breathes in about 11,000 liters (about 2,900 gallons) of air per day. Over a lifetime of around 80 years, this adds up to roughly 320 million liters (85 million gallons) of air breathed in.

How much of the air we breathe is nitrogen?

Approximately 78 of the air we breathe is nitrogen.

What is the maximum amount of air you can inhale?

as much as you take in It is not the amount you breathe in. It is called vital capacity. Even after a person breathes out as much as he or she can, there is air remaining in the lungs. This is called residual volume.

How many percent of oxygen did you breathe?

On average, humans breathe in about 21% oxygen from the air.

Why do you get hiccups after laughing too much?

When you laugh you breathe in a lot of air and that causes hiccups

How many liters of air do you breathe in and out of your lungs every minute?

the average person breaths in about 7 to 8 litres of air every minute when relaxed hope this answers your question

Why is the air you breathe out is much warmer then the air you breathe in?

Because your body is warm, so Body Heat causes this.

How much air did Jasmine breathe out?

as much or less then she brethed in

Can a dolphin breathe in and out of air and water?

Dolphins are mammals. They breathe air with lungs, pretty much just like you and I. They can't breathe water. When they dive they hold their breath.

What is the largest amount of air that a person can breathe in and out in one inspiration and expiration?

The average person can breathe in and out around 0.5 to 1 liter of air during a normal breath. However, the maximum amount of air that can be inhaled and exhaled in one breath, known as vital capacity, is around 4 to 6 liters for an adult. This can vary depending on factors like lung capacity and fitness level.