One measurment is volume and the other is weight, therefore the exact answer will depend upon the substance being measured. A teaspoon holds approximately 5ml of liquid (water) and 5 ml of water weighs about 5 gram. There are 1000 mgs in 1 gram. Therefore the answer is 110 divided by 1000 x 110 divided by 5 = 2.42
5 mg
There are tsps in 0.8 mls.....there are 2.5 mls in a teaspoon and 5 mls in a tablespoon....0.8 is a fragment of a tspn
30 drops equals how many tsps?
1,006,563 MGs
That is 9 teaspoons.
Depends what the tsps contain.
3 tsps or approx 15ml
2 tsps
That would be 3 teaspoons.
3 tsp = 1 Tbs