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normal is about 10-20 breaths per minute. If faster or slower, see a doctor

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Q: How many times an adult breathes in one min?
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How many times a baby will breathe one min?

a baby breathes about 20-30 min in 1 min

How many heartbeats can an adult make when resting?

90 times per min

How many times does the heart normally beats in a young adult?

70 beats per min.

How many times does the squirrel breathe in one minute?

a squirrel's heart, in the summer, beats at the rate of 110 beats per min while sleeping and 420 beats per min while fleeing danger (which they often do)!

Volume of air represent 0.5dm3 at rest breathes 16 breaths per min during exercise breathes 21 breaths per min what volume of air will he breathe during 5 min?

peak volume is on average 600 liters an hour so 600/60*5= your answer

How many breathes does a human take a minute?

The average human will take on average 12-20 breathes per min. I once was hospitalized when my BPM dropped to 8 BPM in which I was apparently dying! however i did not and was treated for overdose with the ugly drug narcan (naloxone).

How many times does a kids heart beat a min?

69 Times bro

How many times in a day does a mother change her newborns baby's diaper?

1. 10 min 2. 8 min 3. 6 min 4. 5 min 5. 4 min 6. 7min 7. 12min Family Feud answer: How many times a daydoes a mother change her newborn baby's diaper? (NUMERIC ONLY)

How many seconds are there in 36 min?

well 60 times 36 is.....

How many times does a human heart pump in 1 min?

69 or 104 times in a minute.

How many min is 1.6 hours?

There are: 1.6 times 60 = 96 minutes

How many times a human breathe in a day?

An average human breathes some 10 times per minute, 600 times per hour, or 14,400 times per day and 5,256,000 per year. If we assume that each breath contains one liter of air, then simply human inhales some 14,400 liters of per day. Air is composed of about 16% oxygen, of which about half is exchanged for carbon dioxide during each breath. Then this means an average exhalation of some 14,400 x 8% = 1150 liters of carbon dioxide per person per day.