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The average human will take on average 12-20 breathes per min. I once was hospitalized when my BPM dropped to 8 BPM in which I was apparently dying! however i did not and was treated for overdose with the ugly drug narcan (naloxone).

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Q: How many breathes does a human take a minute?
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How many times does a bala shark breath in a minute?

A bala shark typically breathes around 10-15 times per minute. This allows them to take in oxygen through their gills for respiration.

How many breathes does a person breathe in a day?

An average resting respiratory rate for a human is 16-20 breaths per minute with increases for activity. So...23040 to 28800 breaths in a 24 houur period. This does not take into account any normal daily activity.

How many breathes do you take in 1 hour?

500 times

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How many breaths do you take in a minute?

This is dependent upon many factors with the biggest being age. The very young having higher rates.A normal rate for infants would be 40 - 60 breathes per minute.Young children (2-6 years of age) have a typical rate of 20 - 30 breathes per minute.A healthy adult at rest would have a breath rate between 12 and 20 breathes a minutes. With the average being closer to 12 breathes per minute, but as people age this rate tends to go up slightly.During stress or exercise this rate can approach 70 or more breathes per minute.The normal rate of respiration is about 12 to 24 breaths per minute. This may be higher in children or during exercise and anxiety

How many breaths per minute does a human take now compared to ten yrs ago?

23 now, 21 10 yrs ag

How many breathes does a 100 M sprinter take?

they take around 17 breaths with a heart rate avreage of around 134 bpm

How many steps do you take in a minute?

About 100.

How many breathes for asthma?

there is no set of breathes for asthmatics. They can't breathe so their heart rates increase. instead of counting breaths, take your pulse or put your hand on your chest to feel how fast your heart is beating.

How many breathes do people take in 1 minute?

Average respiratory rate reported in a healthy adult at rest is usually given as 12 breaths per minute (12⁄60 Hz)[1][2] but estimates do vary between sources, e.g., 12-20 breaths per minute, 10-14,[3] between 16-18,[4] etc. With such a slow rate, more accurate readings are obtained by counting the number of breaths over a full minute.

How many minutes does it take for the minute hand to move from one minute marker to the next?

One minute or 60 seconds

What is the normal range of respirations per minute for healthy people?

the normal range for rispiratory rate is from 15 to 20 breathes in 15 seconds. then the numbers fo breathes is multiplied by 4 to get the nukber of breathes in a minute. *******************WRONG****************** this would be one breath every second. too much! The ranges for rates of normal respiration are as follows: ________________________ ADULT= 12-20 breaths/minute CHILD= 15-30 breaths/minute INFANT=25-50 breaths/minute ________________________ R. Griffith, FF/EMT-B, Paramedic Student