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An average resting respiratory rate for a human is 16-20 breaths per minute with increases for activity. So...23040 to 28800 breaths in a 24 houur period. This does not take into account any normal daily activity.

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Q: How many breathes does a person breathe in a day?
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How many times does a person breathe when one is resting?

On average, a person at rest breathes around 12-20 times per minute. This equates to approximately 17,000-30,000 breaths per day.

How many times do we breathe in one day?

On average, a person breathes around 17,000-23,000 times per day. This number can vary depending on factors such as activity level and overall health.

How many times are dogs supposed to sneeze a day?

Definitely a lot. I found out that on average, dogs can breathe 15-30 breathes in just 1 minute!

How much of the earth's air will a person breathe in a lifetime?

On average, a person breathes in about 11,000 liters (about 2,900 gallons) of air per day. Over a lifetime of around 80 years, this adds up to roughly 320 million liters (85 million gallons) of air breathed in.

How many times do you breathe in an hour?

Adults average between 18,000 - 30,000 per day.

How many times a human breathe in a day?

An average human breathes some 10 times per minute, 600 times per hour, or 14,400 times per day and 5,256,000 per year. If we assume that each breath contains one liter of air, then simply human inhales some 14,400 liters of per day. Air is composed of about 16% oxygen, of which about half is exchanged for carbon dioxide during each breath. Then this means an average exhalation of some 14,400 x 8% = 1150 liters of carbon dioxide per person per day.

What average adult breathes?

If you have become an advanced enough adult, you don't breathe at all. It takes much practice and soul searching in the mayan mountains of chipigrudipupa. Maybe one day you will be as good of an adult as I am.

How many times does an athlete breathe in and out in a day?

23000 times!

What is the amount of air an adult breathes per day?


Does pudding breathe?

Like a living organism-no. welll on saturdays if you leave the refrigerator open it will start to rise. but as soon as you open it, it goes back down(go down lip go down), Karen. and on Sundays it breathes all day.

How many times you breath a day?

well adults breathe 18,000-30,000 a day so 10,000 for me

How many times do you breath in a day?

about 1000 times a day