If one teaspoon of whole cloves is approximately equivalent to 0.75 teaspoons of ground cloves, then 0.50 teaspoons of whole cloves is equivalent to 0.375 teaspoons of ground cloves. If you do not have ground cloves, then a substitute to use is ground allspice.
You do not need to squish (crush) garlic before cutting it. Depending on the use of garlic in different recipes, the cloves may be crushed, minced, chopped, sliced, slivered or used whole. Chefs often crush garlic cloves because the dry skin of each clove slips off easily after the clove is struck with the flat side of a knife. Partially crushed or flattened cloves are also easier to cut into a fine mince than whole cloves.
where to buy dryed cloves
ground cloves in a spice bottle can be whole ground cloves or they can be only part of a ground clove
About 2-3 whole bulbs
I have done this before, and found that whole cloves vary in size. Some cloves can be twice the size of their companions; so, this is not easy to answer. Does your recipe require that you grind the cloves? If so, then you should grind enough to occupy 2 teaspoons. I realize fresh spices are a good practice to follow, but cloves are a strong spice; and, I have found that my guests generally can't distinguish cloves from an unopened bottle of ground cloves versus the fresh-ground originals.
The weight of a whole clove can vary, but on average, one whole clove weighs approximately 1 gram. Therefore, to equal 100 grams, you would need around 100 whole cloves. It's important to note that this is an estimate and the actual number may vary slightly depending on the size and weight of the cloves.
Ice breakers tend to fizz more whole than crushed.
1.23 ml 1 milliliter equals 0.202 US teaspoons. 1 teaspoon is 4.92 milliliters
One whole cup is 48 teaspoons
In a cool, dark, airtight glass container ground cloves typically last for around 6 months. But if you want longer lasting cloves than i would go for whole cloves. They last for about a year. Hope i helped!