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One should take a shower on a day basis making it seven times a week.

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Q: How many shower should take a week?
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Related questions

How many shower should person take a week?

A person should shower everyday making it seven times a week.

How many days a week should you take a shower?

7 days a week

How many times week should you shower a baby?

twice a week.

How many times do you take a shower per week?

About seven times a week.

How many times a week should you shower if you're 13?

you should shower every other day at least

How many times should 10 year old take a shower a week?

at least 3-4, but everyday is better

When should you take a shower?

Some dermatologists only recommend a shower every other day, or two to three times a week. Many people hit the shower at least once a day, either in the morning or at night before bed. Depending on the day and your activity level, you might even take two or three showers.

How many baths would you take in a week?

The normal person would have 7 or 6 .If you do clubes then you would probly have a shower

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Every week a person should take in 14,000 calories.

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I take 1 1/4 ML (2) tims per week

What happens when you don't shower?

You will most probably not smell good and people will not like to hand out with you. You should take a shower every day and instead of shampooing every day, you can only shampoo a few days a week and then use conditioner for the rest. I'm not so sure what you're asking...

Why is it advisable to take a shower instead of a bath after an orchiectomy?

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