Dust mites, not to be confused with bed bugs, usually exist in numbers between hundreds-of-thousands and millions throughout the home. They like soft furnishings; carpets, rugs, furniture coverings, beds and linen. Between their waste matter and their mortal remains (exoskeletal fragments), their greatest risk to humans comes in the form of Allergies.
You could have tens-of-thousands of these little blighters in your bed. Fortunately, they feed only on dead skin and hair (which makes up over 90% of household dust) but not upon blood (unlike bed bugs), and maintaining a clean house and regularly washing soft furnishings will reduce their numbers.
over 6 billion
Its over 9000!
40 pounds
40 lbs
Many different types of alcohol are poisonous to insects. Ethyl alcohol is commonly used to exterminate dust mites and other insects.
40 Pounds
Not directly as they do not bite. They are not predatory and do not live on humans. They themselves are relatively harmless feeding on our skin. However their parts and especially their excrement is a potent allergen and can be very harmful to those with allergies to house dust. Hence indirectly I suppose they are harmful and can hurt us.