no, only ticks and fleas suck your blood you idiot
Vinegar does kill dust mites. Mixing a bowl of water with vinegar will help get rid of problem dust mites.
Dust mites are arachnids, the class of arthropods which includes spiders, scorpions and ticks.
No, dust mites don't live in a hair or our hair.
yes dust mites can get anywhere dust can get.
Blood cells are much larger than both dust mites and E. coli bacteria. A typical blood cell measures around 6-8 micrometers, while dust mites are around 200-300 micrometers in size. E. coli bacteria are even smaller, ranging from 0.5 to 5 micrometers.
Yes cleaning your home with vinegar will kill dust mites and prevent them from returning. Vinegar kills dust mites because it is an acidic substance.
no dust mites are visible because the are minuscule (very small; tiny)
Blood cells are much smaller than dust mites. A typical blood cell has a diameter of about 6-8 micrometers, while a dust mite can range in size from about 100 to 300 micrometers. Dust mites are visible to the naked eye, whereas blood cells can only be seen under a microscope.