1 US pint is 473.176cc
473 cc in a US pint.. 568 cc in an Imp pint.
How much is 400cc of blood
1 cc = 1 ml 1 US pint = 473.176473 ml so, 1 US pint = 473.176473 cc
One pint of blood is equivalent to approximately 0.473 liters.
473.176473 cc American568.26125 cc UK
1 unit blood = 500cc = 8-10 pints The above answer is partially correct; however, 500cs is one pint not 8-10 pints 1 unit of whole blood is approximately 500cc or ~ 1 pint A pint=16 fluid oz in the US or approximately 480 cc (usually rounded to 500 cc) 8-10 pints would = 4000-5000 ml or 8-10 units of blood
60cc is equal to two fluid ounces.
1 pint 7.7 fl oz = 701cc
One pint is equivalent to 473 cc. Therefore, 250 cc is roughly half of a pint.
There are 34 calories in 20 cc of blood. (source: http://byedr.com/medicine/1685-medicine-4.html). There are 473.2 cc/pint. Therefore, there are 804 calories in a pint. Then you can convert it to Joules, Watt-Hours, whatever energy unit is your favorite.
One US pint is 473.2cc