One pint of blood is equivalent to approximately 0.473 liters.
1 US pint = 473.17 ml 1 UK or imperial pt = 568.26 ml
a "cc" is the medical term for milliliter or ml (1/1,000 of a liter) ml = 0.0021133764 pints pint = 473.17647 mlTherefore, it takes 473.2cc to get a pint. Unfortunately, the above answer only applies to the USA pint which is 16 fluid ounces. The original UK pint has 20 fluid ounces so correct the answer is = 568.261 cc or ml, since one fluid ounce is equivalent to = 28.413 cc or ml. The situation is complicated by the fact that the US fluid ounce differs slightly from the UK fluid ounce [1 fl oz(UK) = 0.960759 fl oz(US]
1 cup 1 pint = 2 cups 1 cup = 0.5 pint
1 pint is equal to 2 cups.
1 cc = 1 ml 1 US pint = 473.176473 ml so, 1 US pint = 473.176473 cc
One pint of blood is equivalent to approximately 0.473 liters.
1 pint 7.7 fl oz = 701cc
1 unit blood = 500cc = 8-10 pints The above answer is partially correct; however, 500cs is one pint not 8-10 pints 1 unit of whole blood is approximately 500cc or ~ 1 pint A pint=16 fluid oz in the US or approximately 480 cc (usually rounded to 500 cc) 8-10 pints would = 4000-5000 ml or 8-10 units of blood
60cc is equal to two fluid ounces.
1 liter = 2.11 pints 1 pint = 0.47 liter
2.4 trillion
That is approximately 1/5 of a US pint.
1 US pint = 473.17 ml 1 UK or imperial pt = 568.26 ml
1 unit blood = 500cc = 8-10 pints The above answer is partially correct; however, 500cs is one pint not 8-10 pints 1 unit of whole blood is approximately 500cc or ~ 1 pint A pint=16 fluid oz in the US or approximately 480 cc (usually rounded to 500 cc) 8-10 pints would = 4000-5000 ml or 8-10 units of blood
A pint is very roughly half a liter.