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Q: How many Sanitary towel are you supposed to use a day?
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Every 3-4 hours or it will start to smell!

When was Towel Day created?

Towel Day was created in 2001.

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During implantation bleeding, it is only a little spot of blood or a few little spots. You only need a pantyliner for it, not a tampon or sanitary towel. It only lasts for a day

When is towel day?

Towel Day is on May 25th, and commemorates the life and writings of Douglas Adams.

What is Towel Day?

Towel Day is on May 25th, and is observed in honor of Douglas Adams, who wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Some of the main rules from the book are Don't Panic and carry a towel. So on towel day, you should take a towel wherever you go... wearing it exclusively is not required. And if you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it.

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Does the birth control I U D make your menstraul cycle smell bad?

I have a Paragard IUD and yes it does make my period smell bad. I just make sure to shower twice a day, change my towel more often and use odour-neutralising sanitary towels.

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