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Within a week it will stay distelled.

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Q: How long will distilled water stay fresh once opened?
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Is unopened expired distilled water safe?

Almost certainly, yes. The idea of an "expiration date" for distilled water is a joke by the bottler designed to trick you into buying fresh water when yours is "expired". As long as the bottle is still sealed, it's perfectly safe.

Can a plant grow in salt water or distilled water?

Most plants cannot grow in saltwater because the high concentration of salt can dehydrate the plant and inhibit its ability to take up water. On the other hand, distilled water lacks essential minerals that plants need for growth, so they would also struggle to thrive in distilled water. Plants typically grow best in fresh water that contains a balanced amount of nutrients and minerals.

Can rusting happen in distilled water give reason?

yes if you leave it too long the thing its in will rust up and it will get mouldy. Metal rusts in water and distilled water is still water.

Can you put water in your ford focus radiator?

Yes. as long as it is distilled water tough.

How long does distilled water last in a bottle?

It will last as long as the bottle holds up.

How long will distilled water stay fresh not opened?

As anyone who has read about historical sailing ships knows, fresh water goes bad in about one week, depending on the container and environment. As every educated person knows, sailing ships always held to a coast, both to avoid getting lost, and to be able to land and reload fresh water every few days. Every grade school student knows that Columbus and his crews only survived to reach the West Indies because they were able to collect rain water on the way. Without the storms they encountered, they would never have survived two weeks on the water they brought with them. That water would have killed them all after a maximum of 10 days. Fresh water always goes bad when exposed to light and air.

How long will it take a quarter to corrode or rust in fresh water?

How long will it t take a quarter to rust in fresh water

Does Long Island Sound contain salt water or fresh water?

The Long Island Sound contains both fresh and salt water because it is an estuary.

How long will yogurt stay fresh in the refrigerator after it's been opened?

Usually 2-3 days

How long does canned pumpkin stay good in the refrigerator?

Answer:Refrigerated canned pumpkin lasts for about 3 to 5 days.

How long is distilled water good after opening?

until or unless the external dusts falling in it.

What is the largest body of fresh water in the water?

Long Pond