you can go your hole life without bathing but you should go maximum every week or 2
you should bring water a bathing suit and towels
Only a few minutes after Actaeon was turned into a stag by Artemis to keep him from telling people that he had seen the goddess bathing, he was torn to pieces by his own hounds.
they can go pretty long without food but not to long without water
You should not try to go for more than half a day without some kind of liquid, water is preferred.
The rest of your life. (That is not a joke answer.)
Bathing suit, O Bathing Suit. You always hide my bad parts. Bathing suit, O Bathing Suit, When I swim I fart. Toot Toot Puddle, Bathing Suit.
you should not go without food at all to look skinny, you will still have water weight and that will just make you look bloated.
Your hermit crab shouldn't go long without food or water. The longest they should go is a whole day,
First you have to go to the gift shop then click on the bathing suit you want. then go to your inventory and click on it then exit out and you will have a siut!
how long can a tutle go with out eating
not long
You can only go three days before you get a odor