no, because as long as your not smoking the crystal meth itself, it will have no affect on you. things like kissing,hugging, having sex ect; can not get you high as long as you dont smoke meth, even if the other person does.
Believe it or not I have used Meth for over 40 years. To say the least I have a very strong tolerance to it.
easiest way to put it is if a meth user is tweeking he/she is high on meth. tweeking is the slang for high on meth. its like how when u smoke pot u get "stoned". use meth and you get "tweeked" or "twacked"
If someone injected meth into their heart it would kill them.If someone injected meth into there heart, it will increase the speeds of their breathing, heart rate, thoughts and actions.
You either arent hydrated havent eaten or bad dope or been up to long
How long does meth stay in your sperm if your trying to have a baby
That person want to get high with you by blowing clouds of crystal meth.
You don't. First, meth is an amphetamine. If you are referring to amphetamine as in Adderall, you can't make meth out of that.
speedballing is commonly a mixture of heroin and coke, or meth. but there are many, many variations. oxy and coke, oxy and meth. the user seeks a high of two of the strongest uppers and downers.
Meth users show an array of symptoms. There is a high risk for suicide attempts due to depression, users will lose their teeth which is called 'meth mouth', they go for long periods without sleeping and will lose a lot of weight.
Suboxone will not affect a meth high, no. Suboxone only blocks the effects of other opiates. It has no effect on other types of drugs. It will neither enhance nor ruin the meth high.
one week