If you don't have your period you are not ovulating so no. However, if you are menopausal it can take years until it's over so it depends on for how long you have not had your period.
you can not get pregnant while you have your period. you can only get pregnant when you are ovulating. ovulation happens about two weeks after your last period. if you are trying for a baby then the doctors can tell you when you are ovulating
it's possible. depends on if you've stopped having your menstrual cycle or not. as long as your having a period, your ovulating. As long as your ovulating, you can get pregnant!
Yes, although you could just be ovulating because many women spot when they are ovulating. If you miss your next period, take a test
If you ovulate, your period will soon follow. There are kits you can buy at the drug store that can estimate the probability that you're ovulating, but if you haven't started your period yet (it can take a year to return, maybe more after being on Depo for so long) then the kit is useless. So, the return of your period is the best indicator.
It all depends when you start ovulating again. You can get pregnant again without ever getting a period since the egg comes before a period. If you breast-feed your period typically comes back later.
you do it before your period.. while ovulating.
14 days after her period.
You may get pregnant at any time after stopping the contraceptive implant. If you had a period, your body is likely ovulating at this point.
Yes, it could be because you're ovulating.
Could be your ovulating? I get it when I'm ovulating I know the signs because we are trying for a baby
AnswerYou usually become fertile when you ovulate naturally. You will know when you have ovulated because you will have your first period after coming of DEPO. This is a sign your body is now ovulating on its own.how will i know that