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About 5-20 minutes Well that's how much I usually take

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Q: How long does a woman take in the shower?
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Related questions

Do it take less water to take a shower or a bath?

It depends how long it takes you to shower

How long does it take the average person to take a shower?

8 minutes

How long do dogs usually take a shower?

Dogs usually don't take showers. When their human bathes them, the human decides how long the dog should be in the bath or shower.

How many gallons would a woman use to take a shower?

It's over 9000!

How long can a human take a shower?

You can take one for as long as you want, provided you can stand it and have enough water of the desired temperature and supplies to do so. You won't want to take a very long shower because you'd have a very high water bill. Realistically, a 15 minute shower is usually sufficient.

How long can a guy take a trampling from a woman?

As long as the woman wishes.

Is it normal not to take a shower or a bath for some time?

it is not normal... it is gross if you don't take a bath or shower for a long time because you will smell and be gross.

How long do you have to wait after a long haul flight to take a shower?

This is a pure rumour! I bet you work at Emirates, a few flight attendant came to me with the same question. There is no problem in take a shower after a flight.

How long should you wait to take a shower after giving birth?


How long should a shower take a boy?

At the most 13 minutes

How long does a shower take?

Average is probably 5 minutes, but it can depend...

Does it take longer to take a shower or eat some cereal?

It depends how long you take to shower if you take 5-10 minutes to shower than having a shower is shorter but however if you only take and it usually takes people more than 10 minutes to have cereal so overall id say cereal is longer :)