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Indefinitely. Though individual germs may die, the collective colonies will live on!

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Q: How long can germs live in a cats mouth?
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Can you spread germs by breathing?

Yes you can. Some germs can survive in the microscopic water droplets that are propelled out of the nose or mouth when we breathe, therefore spreading the germs. How long the germs live is dependant on what the virus is, however.

How long can germs live in a dogs mouth?

You could try searching online, but I wouldn't necessarily trust the answers unless it was a reputable source. The canine mouth has a varied population of bacteria ranging from Staphylococcusand Streptococcus to Pasturella species; most of these are not pathogens to either the dog or to humans so some people don't consider them "germs".

How far do germs travel when you Cough without covering your mouth?

As long as three elephants end to end!

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How long do germs live on inanimate objects?

up to six hours.

How long do germs live in the air?

Germs can stay alive in air for up to 48 hours after leaving an infected person or animal. Some germs can live up to a week on surfaces they infect. It is best to keep hands washed, and surfaces sterile to kill germs.

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saber tooth cats can live up to about 10,000 years!

Who made cats only live up to 19 years?

God made cats and he decided how long they live.

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On average Siamese cats live for between 15 and 20 years.

How long do cats with rabies live?

5 days

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big cats live for 15-20 years in the wild

How long can germs live?

The lifespan of germs varies depending on the type of germ and the surrounding environment. Some germs can survive for days or even weeks on surfaces, while others may only survive for a few minutes. Regular cleaning and disinfection can help reduce the spread of germs.