Depends on the stack you take there's a big difference between double and quad stacks and the base of the pill. Watchout for the methbombs. Lmao
It does metabolise in your body and then excreted in urine. It can be detected for upto 3 days after use.
Scientifically ecstasy is known as 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Since that is a mouthful and is hard to say it is abbreviated to MDMA. You can abbreviate ecstasy with "X" or "XTC" but those are not official abbreviations like MDMA is. Ecstasy can also be known as Adam and if it is pure will sometimes be called Molly(Ecstasy off the street is almost never pure).
Ecstasy can be any color of the rainbow, and can have imprints or symbols on it or not. It can be different shapes, and every batch of pills has a different mixture of different drugs. The main ingredient in ecstasy is MDMA otherwise known as molly. pure MDMA is white, but can be an off-white or brownish color.
You can't it's impossible many people add food colouring powder to pills to make them a certain colour so you can't tell by colour the only way you can tell is by getting an ecstasy testing kit off the Internet or by sending off the pill anonymously to an ecstasy testing research centre. I know that the website is synonymously linked with an ecstasy testing centre.
Soften it with Goof Off, then rub it hard and it will roll up.
try to ease off of it then stop
The bitterness of ecstasy pills can vary based on the ingredients and any contaminants present in the pill. Ecstasy pills can be bitter due to the chemicals and binders used in their production. Some pills may taste like aspirin if they contain similar ingredients or are cut with substances that mimic that taste.
Yes, it is supposedly the best way to get high off of ecstasy.
because your off your box
it can give you nystagmus, that means that your eyes will go out of control and move very fast for a second or two.
A blue dolphin ecstacy pill has a high potency of MDMA but later on as the effect wears off, depending on the health and mood of that person, side effects of the blue dolphin will be most likely make that person depressed, sad, emotional, or any negative type of emotion.