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Q: How does alcohol damage your organs?
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What does alcohol do to you large and small intestines?

Alcohol can damage the cells lining the stomach and intestines, which can block the absorption and breakdown of nutrients in those organs.

How to drugs and alcohol damage your body?

Drugs and alcohol make some organs of the body overworked. For instance, the liver must work harder to clear the toxins. These organs can become overwhelmed and damaged because they cannot keep up.

What organs of the body are most affected by too much alcohol?

liver. too much alcohol damages the liver. if too much damage is done. the whole body may start to detoriate.

How does alcohol damage every organ in your body?

Alcohol damages many of your organs and over excessive drinking can cause liver failure , drinking alcohol allot can thin bones , it can also cause stomach cancer , alcohol does damage most parts of the body not just physically but mentally drinking alcohol all the time may make you feel like you need it all the time.

Does alcohol damage plastic?

Alcohol does not typically damage the plastic it could be in. Plastic actually will damage the alcohol inside of it.

Does Alcohol c damage your liver esophagus stomach pancreas and heart?

Alcohol can damage the liver, esophagus, stomach, pancreas and heart. However, drinking in moderation won't cause organ damage in healthy people.

Can drinking beer weaken your immune system?

Answer:Yes, because drinking alcohol kills brain cells, breaking down your immunity. Answer:Somewhat, as drinking high amounts of alcohol can effect and damage a number of organs. The kidneys and liver are among those effected, and both of these organs are meant to remove toxins from the body.

What if isopropyl alcohol is injected?

Injecting isopropyl alcohol can be extremely dangerous as it can lead to severe health complications, including damage to organs such as the liver, kidneys, and brain. Injection of isopropyl alcohol can also cause tissue damage, necrosis, and even death. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if someone has injected isopropyl alcohol.

Why alcohol is bad for health?

Taken in moderation red wine can be beneficial ,however alcohol is a poison that can impair the function of the health of the body if consumed excessively.Can cause damage to vital organs leading to permanent harm and even death.

Can you use isopropyl alcohol orally?

No, it is not safe to use isopropyl alcohol orally. Ingesting isopropyl alcohol can lead to serious health risks, including poisoning, respiratory issues, and damage to internal organs. It is important to follow proper guidelines for using isopropyl alcohol and consult a healthcare professional if there are any concerns.

Which organs does alcohol abuse affect?

Alcohol can affect many organs. Liver, Kidneys, Heart, and the brain.

Which organ does alcohol damage?

The organs that are used for the absorption and digestion of alcohol, like the stomach, the liver and the pancreas, are vulnerable. The brain also suffers from continuous abuse. It can also cause severe damage to the kidneys, heart, and the lungs are all organs that suffer from alcohol. having alot of my own experince with this "diease" (unfortunatly). alcohol will cause the "MOST" damage to human body, more than any other drug. one (not an organ) other sites it can affect is the throat, and indirectly ,the theeth. throat, after continuious use of "straight" liquior, irritation may lead to throat cancer. theeth, unfortunatley is almost nevere mentioned. it is an indirect cause of rotted teeth, throwing up ay night "dry heves", you're usually to drunk to wash out your mouth, leading to stomach acids to stay on teeth, and eventually rot them...