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Taken in moderation red wine can be beneficial ,however alcohol is a poison that can impair the function of the health of the body if consumed excessively.Can cause damage to vital organs leading to permanent harm and even death.

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Q: Why alcohol is bad for health?
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Why is having no alcohol in your body good?

Alcohol is bad for our health, especially for heart and lung.

How are cigarettes drugs alcohol bad for health?

Because they can cause health effects that could threaten life

Is drinking alcohol bad for health?

yes because it damages your lungs, liver and brain

Is moderate drinking bad?

No. To the contrary, it is associated with better health and longer life than abstaining from alcohol.

What are health-inhibiting behaviors?

Doing things that are bad for your health. Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, eating unhealthy foods, not exercising, lots of things.

What alcohol make you drunk?

The only one that anyone should drink (in appropriate amounts) is ethanol. Consuming any other kind of alcohol (isopropanol/isopropyl alcohol: "rubbing alcohol", methanol: "wood alcohol") will be really bad for your health.

How does not drinking alcohol help your health?

It tastes bad. It can make you vomit if you consume too much. It can impair your judgement if you drink too much. The abuse of alcohol can lead to detrimental health effects such as kidney and liver disease. On the other hand, drinking in moderation has a number of benefits, including better health and longer life.

Drugs and alcohol?

Drugs are really bad and can kill you or make you insane. Honestly, I am so NOT lying. It is very bad for your health and drugs(apart from medicine to make your health better) are illegal so do not ever take it. Alcohol is okay, as long as you don't overtake it so you better watch out.

Which all drinks are bad for health?

You mean drinks in general? Alcohol fizzy drinks like coke fanta etc?

Why is binge drinking bad for you?

Because binge drinking involves consuming an excessive amount if alcohol that can lead to health and safety problems.

Is unfiltered vodka bad for you?

Drinking alcohol (beer, wine and spirits such as vodka, whiskey, gin, rum and tequila in moderation is associated with better health and longer life than either abstaining or abusing alcohol. It is a common and dangerous myth that "All alcohol is bad for you. It shortens your life with every swallow."

Is drinking alcohol good or bad for you?

yes you can get bad breath and alot of throat cancers danielle loves nando :D