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Q: How do your vocal chords help us talk?
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Do crabs have vocal chords?

God help us if they do.

What enables us to talk?

The ability to talk is enabled by the coordination of different parts of the body, including the lungs for air supply, the vocal cords and throat for sound production, and the mouth and tongue for articulation. The brain also plays a crucial role in controlling these processes and forming words and sentences.

What machine helps us talk?

The vocal cords are the primary machine in our bodies that allow us to talk. Air from the lungs passes through the vocal cords, causing them to vibrate and create sound. Additionally, the tongue, lips, and teeth help articulate and shape the sounds into speech.

The part of the respiratory system that helps us speak?

The vocal cords become tight, squeeze together, and force air from the lungs to move between them. The air causes the vocal cords the vibrate and produce sound

Can cheese sneeze?

No. That's absurd. Cheese isn't a person or any kind of animal that can communicate with us verbally. And it doesn't have vocal chords, or anything that would support the act of sneezing.

Why does my cat purr a lot?

Cats purr alot when they are happy or when they sometimes want you to pat them. ~ Need more help on Howrse? PM me! I am Claire6318 ;D

Why cant horses talk?

Horses lack the physical ability to produce speech sounds like humans due to differences in their vocal anatomy. They also communicate through body language, vocalizations, and behaviors such as whinnying, snorting, and neighing, which are essential for their social interactions within the herd.

What organ allows you to speak?

The larynx, also known as the voice box, allows you to produce sounds for speaking by controlling the vocal cords. The vocal cords vibrate and manipulate the airflow passing through, creating the sounds required for speech.

Does English help us obtain knowledge?

yes, to help use learn how to write , read, talk

How does the calendar help us?

The calendar helps us organize and keep track of time by dividing days, weeks, months, and years. It enables us to plan events, meetings, and appointments, as well as schedule important dates and deadlines. Additionally, it allows for synchronization with others and helps in managing personal and professional schedules efficiently.

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Do you speak to God like a friend?

Yes, I do. See, Christ is our friend, he wants to have a relationship with us and help us and talk to us.