The vocal cords become tight, squeeze together, and force air from the lungs to move between them. The air causes the vocal cords the vibrate and produce sound
Diaphragm is not part of respiratory system but part of muscular system but it helps in breathing movements .yes
The larynx, also known as the voice box, is the part of the respiratory system responsible for producing sound and enabling speech. It contains the vocal cords, which vibrate as air passes through, producing sound waves that we perceive as speech. The manipulation of airflow and tension in the vocal cords helps create different pitches and tones.
No. The esophagus is part of the digestive system. The pharynx is part of both the digestive and respiratory systems.
Arteries are part of the circulatory system, not the respiratory system.
The trachea is part of the respiratory system because it is part of the process of breathing. The trachea is part of the airway between the nose and the lungs. It is what helps transport the oxygen to the lungs.
The lungs. It's part of your respiratory. your heart also helps, and it's part of the cardiovascular system
No. The kidneys are part of the excretory system.
The Larnyx is a part of the Respiratory System, so it helps you breath and speak. The Larnyx is also called 'the voice box'. The Larynx is a very important part of your body :)
Your mouth is, in fact, part of the respiratory system. It's also part of the digestive system.
the nose is a part of the respiratory system. the respiratory system has to do with breathing
Air sacs are part of the respiratory system