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There is many ways to stop smoking. Like the patch for example or the Chewing Gum. If you really have the will to quit you can always quit cold turkey. I personally find it very hard to drive without smoking so try having a sucker or toothpick in your mouth to slowly break the habit. I think nowadays pills to help you quit smoking are available.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The best way to stop smoking is when you determine to stop smoking even if it causes unpleasantness. 1. You may take help of modern methods to assist this, such as Bupropion (wellbutrin) tablets or nicotine like preparations. 2. Decide to stop for a period of just 6 months. 3. Pay a visit to cancer hospital. 4. Avoid the company of smokers. 5. Declare to people who matter to you, who are well wishers that you have stopped smoking.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

There are probably a lot of answers to this question. I think the real answer is that you don't light another cigarette - at least that's how it was for me over 30 years ago. Smokers are addicted to nicotine, and that makes it tough, but the nicotine is out of your system pretty fast and then the challenge is for a lot of different reasons. For those who have smoked a long time, smoking is a social and emotional "crutch" as well as a physical habit. Those can be equally hard to overcome. There are a lot of products on the market to help with the actual nicotine addiction, and though I can't speak to their effectiveness personally, I've heard that they've really helped some people. There's also hypnosis, which some people swear by. I think, though, that it can be done without those things if you can find a focused motivation for quitting. I did, and that's what made it different from all the other times I'd "tried" to quit. All the other times I was depriving myself - the last, and effective, time, I was working to become a non-smoker. Find someone who's on your side, who will support your efforts and be there to talk or take a walk or chew gum or anything besides lighting up. Talk to your doctor if you feel the nicotine part is especially hard for you. However you approach it, you CAN do it. Stay away from the situations that are hardest for you - for many it is needing a cigarette when they have a drink; not drinking made not smoking easier. For some, it's going places where smoking is not allowed. Don't expect your cravings or habits to disappear overnight - it can take a long time, but if you are strong and determined, they will fade over time, until you, too, are a non-smoker. Good luck; it can be done, and there IS life after smoking, believe me!!!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It's incredibly difficult to quit smoking. There are a lot of ways. Prescription drugs can help. Wellbutrin works for some people. The most important thing is to decide to quit, pick a date, and be ready for the hell of withdrawal. If you want to quit more than you want to smoke, you'll quit.

For this reason, make a list of reasons to quit and post it everywhere -- on your computer monitor, your TV (great because you have to look at it before you can watch TV), your car dashboard, etc.

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Smoking is a formed habit and it will take time to stop however, you have to be willing and wanting to stop smoking before any of the treatments that are available will work. Cutting back daily is one of the best ways to halt smoking as it will allow you to at a slower pace stop without overwhelming yourself with the cravings.

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