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If someone is doing or saying something to you - which causes you embarrassment or discomfort, and they know that it upsets you - that's harassment.

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Q: How do you tell if your being herassed?
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confront them. if they don't stop then go right to the top and tell them what is happening. never forget that this is unacceptable. good luck

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What is being able to tell what something is? you will be called a ginious.

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Just tell him

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You can tell if people are sneaking around or are being shady or act different

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Tell them you are alergic to their scent. Tell them you are alergic to their scent.

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just tell them that you like em.

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Other people not being able to tell is kind of the whole point of being invisible.

Who can you tell when your being bullied?

Anyone :)

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Tell your OS that it is being naughty.

How can you tell if your boyfriend being loyal to you?

If he is being honest, nice and cares about you.