Never call a guy cute. Simply using the word cute will embarrass the guy, even if you are not talking about him. Find some other way of expressing your affection. Maybe you should express interest in something he is doing, start a meaningful conversation, and then ask him out on a date. If his only redeeming quality is that he is cute, or if you are not interested in what he is doing, you should keep looking.
Tell them they have a small penis.
go tell him that he is cute to
be nice to him and tell him i love you
You say.................................CHUCK NORRIS!!
Please give me a sentence of embarrass
tell him hes handsome, or cute...
tell him you want to give him your body and life. also tell him i want you in me
Say, "Hi, you're cute! Want to go out sometime?"
Just tell him and if he isn't stuck up, you will make his day.
just tell her that he's ugly and find someone that is cute so she can good stuff about that guy or simple just tell her that you like that guy. it might work! If she already knows that you like the guy what is the problem? would you rather her say he is ugly, if I liked someone and my friends said they were cute I would be happy and pursue the person, if they said that the person was ugly that would put me off.
yes it would you should definetly do this.