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tell him hes handsome, or cute...

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Q: How do you tell a guy you think hes hot without saying hot?
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How can you tell a guy you like him without saying it directly to his face?

text or flirt.

Can a guy tell you like him even though you tell him you only like him as a friend?

No, You need to take control of this. Tell him it to him all on full, You like but not that way you can think i like you without me saying it or my body expressions.

How do you tell a guy you like him without saying i like you?

Be nice to him by doing random acts of kindness for him.

How do you show a guy you like him without saying it?

talk to him. be his friend and be NICE! if he isn't catching on, i don't know what to tell you

How can you tell a guy you like him without actually saying it to his face?

get one of your friends to do it or try to make him say it to u

How can you tell a guy you miss him without actually saying i miss you while being flirty?

Here's an idea: Why not cut the bull-sugar and tell him "I miss you"?

How do you tell a guy you want to kiss him without saying it?

Get in a group and play truth or dare and get one of your friends to dare him to kiss you.

If your single guy friend likes you how do you let him know you like him back without saying it directly?

You could just kiss him. He would definently know then. I really think that you should just tell him though.

How do you tell a guy you like them without sounding silly?

You can drop subtle hints, or you can tell him how you feel by saying that you like him, but in a husky voice. Body language works too!

How do you tell a guy you like him without him knowing its really you?

write a note i guess but he might think its a prank

How do you tell if a guy likes you but is afraid what his friends think?

Talk to him privately, without any of his friends knowing about it.

How do you tell a guy you like them without asking them out?

never leave a note in there locker they think its cheesy you should just like tell your friend to tell him or text him