threatin to break up with him if he doesnt start improving his habbits of drinking instead of family
If your boyfriend is that jealous, he is not going to stop. You need to make a decision now whether the relationship is worth putting up with that - my advice is to end the relationship and find a boy who will trust you and respect you.
kill them.
you could tell him or gently pull his hands and place them on your face and then kiss him that way he will understand and seee it as a reward
Turn your freezer off before putting the water inside.
The best way to get your boyfriend to stop dipping is to explain all of the health concerns you have.
by telling him that u don't want him talking to her and tell him if he does then tell him you are mad at him
Yes. If you're under 18, they have the right to keep you in their house. However, if you feel the need to, you can stand before a judge and plead your case, asking to become a legal adult. But if you do this, you will no longer have relations to your family, really.
Stop urinating, then shake your old fella before putting it away.
If your boyfriend cannot stop kissing you, it may be a sign of violence. Dump that guy.
Either stop arguing or find new boyfriend.
tell him he is not your boyfriend and to back off.
Uh... Stop talking to her?