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Focus on being healthy from the inside out, eat well, and exercise regularly. And remember that you can be sexy and look and feel fabulous and not be thin. Choose role models that help you feel good about who you are, rather than ones who make you feel bad.

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11y ago
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12y ago

Excersising for at least half an hour 2 - 3 times a week and eating a heathy, balanced diet that is suited to your lifestyle. And also eating fruits and vegetables but eat green fruits and vegetables most because they are more healthier than anything else

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14y ago

it is really good to stay healthy cause what if you re so weak and you love sports but the thing is you have no energy you re not use to it and you blood is thick you know what i mean right.

you need to eat veggies

you should every day eat in the morning some cereal and oat meal stuff yum

you should some times forget lunch but when you have lunch you need to eat soup

dinner you don't eat dinner or you can have Sushi.

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15y ago

Being healthy gives you the best basis upon which to do whatever it is that you want to do. Sickness, in comparison, is painful, debilitating, disabling, and an impediment to anything that you want to do. And in the end, sickness will kill you, and death is the final and most insurmountable impediment.

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14y ago

By eating healthy food and not eating junk food

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Q: How do you stay healthy and why is it important?
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