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Q: How do you stay emotionally and mentally healthy?
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How can be a person called healthy?

a person is called healthy if he/she is mentally,emotionally and physically fit.

Why is it important to stay mentally healthy?

It is important because if your not mentally healthy you can get sick or other stuff.

Are animals always sane?

If they are healthy emotionally, physically, mentally, intellectually and socially, yes.

Is having intimacy healthy?

Yes, it can be physically, emotionally and mentally benificial when both people behave well.

Why is it a good investment for the US to keep citizens healthy?

They are good role models to the younger generation about being healthy mentally, physically,spiritually,and emotionally.

Needs to be emotionally mentally and socially healthy?

In order to be emotionally, mentally, and socially healthy, it is important to prioritize self-care, maintain positive relationships, seek support when needed, engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, and practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing. It is also important to set boundaries, communicate effectively, and take time for rest and relaxation to help maintain overall well-being.

Synonym of mentally vacant?

Emotionally empty or mentally blank.

Why is it mentally good to stay in shape?

A healthy mind and body go hand in hand.

Is faith in God a crutch?

It depends on the person, really. If you're using your faith to avoid something, rationalize something or otherwise short circuit an emotionally and mentally healthy way of living, then yes. If your faith is part of an emotionally and mentally healthy way of living then no. For example, people who use passages from the Bible to explain their bigotry. Alternatively, people who use it to realize the social advantages of charity.

What are some euphemisms for mentally crazy?

Mentally unstable Emotionally challenged Mentally ill Cognitive differences

What is Therapeutic Sport?

Any sport can be therapeutic as long as it promotes a healthy outlook and takes away from the pain that an individual may be having mentally, physically or emotionally.

Is it important to be mentally healthy or physically healthy?

Mentally and physically.